CES has extensive experience with Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) sites. Highlights of CES’s experience in the environmental management of MGP sites include:
- Performance of strategic management, site investigation, site assessment, remedial design and/or remediation oversight at hundreds of MGP sites across the United States
- In-depth understanding of gas manufacturing processes used at MGP sites (e.g., coal gasification, carbureted water gas and oil gas)
- In-depth understanding of the residuals (e.g., tar, purifier residuals, clinker, coal fines) and subsurface structures (e.g., gas holder foundations, tar wells, tar separators) typically encountered at MGP sites
- Innovative approaches to the closure of MGP sites featuring the development of risk-based remedial alternatives, engineering and institutional controls and cost-effective cleanup technologies
CES professionals have assisted a number of utilities in the strategic management of the MGP sites in their portfolios. They have also provided expert testimony, supported third-party dispute resolution and helped with stakeholder relations.
CES professionals have extensive experience as testifying and consulting experts on cost recovery, MGP litigation including testimony both in court and before utility rate commissions.